Monday, June 25, 2012

Feliz Cumpleaños!

We had a fabulous and fun birthday party yesterday!! Kids were laughing, parents conversing, and the Spanish teacher...teaching!  This birthday party was truly a memorable experience! The kids and parents may find themselves singing in Spanish now!  Don't forget to click on the Read More button! There are so many pictures to see!

Preparing his quesadilla!

Enjoying a nice lunch together!
La familia!

Looks colorful and festive!

Proud of his work!
Drawing his mariposa!

Las dos amigas bonitas!

Hanging out!

Festive decorations!

A young artist at work! You might see this in the High Museum in downtown Atlanta! Buen trabajo!
Waiting patiently for the cake to be cut!

Estuvaron venidos a las princessas en el pastel

Hola amigo! Tan bello!
The birthday girl! Que linda!
They can't wait!
Enjoying the family time!

La piñata!

Que recogiste?

Dale una abrazo!

Pero una beso sería suficiente!

Su collar es bonita!

Getting ready to light las candelas!

Excited for some cake!

Pide un deseo!

The best place to be!

Cutting the cake!

Una tenedor limpía!

Que linda! 

Present in hand, remnants of cake- I'd say this was a pretty successful birthday! 

Some after birthday party fun!

Thank you for having your birthday party at Little Voyages!
See you next time! 

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